1-Min Read Component Tracking In Manufacturing Orders In manufacturing processes, tracking component changes is critical to maintain transparency and ensure production accuracy. The Component Tracking in Manufacturing Orders feature automates this by log... Audit Manufacturing Odoo ERP Silverdale Apps
1-Min Read Auto Assign Fiscal Position The SME Automate Fiscal Position Assignment feature provides businesses with an efficient solution for managing fiscal positions and tax exemptions in Odoo. This module automates the assignment of fis... Accounting Audit ERP Implementation Silverdale Apps
1-Min Read Audit Tracking On Repairs The SME Repair Order Logs module enhances repair order tracking in Odoo by adding detailed audit capabilities. It captures and analyzes the time repair orders spend at each stage, providing valuable i... Audit Odoo ERP Repair Silverdale Apps
1-Min Read Audit Tracking On Help Tickets The Audit Tracking on Help Tickets feature enhances the Helpdesk module by adding time tracking for tickets as they move through various stages and teams. This system captures and records the duration... Audit Helpdesk Odoo ERP Silverdale Apps
1-Min Read Data Presentation: Accurate, Interesting, Insightful, Actionable When presenting data or information, it's imperative to address four pivotal questions to enhance its value and impact: Is the Data Accurate? Is the Data Interesting? Is the Data Insightful? Is the Da... Audit Data Excel Odoo