Welcome to SIM

The Silverdale Implementation Method (SIM) is the culmination of insights and best practices derived from hundreds of successful projects delivered for our clients.

SIM is built on a foundation of continuous learning and adaptation, drawing from every project, task, ticket, training session, and client interaction we have.

At the core of SIM is our relentless commitment to improvement. This dedication to learning and evolving means that SIM is not static; it grows and adapts as we gain more knowledge and exposure to various industries and products.

Our dynamic methodology allows us to stay at the forefront of implementation practices. SIM is the driving force behind our success, enabling us to provide exceptional service and support throughout your implementation journey.

We've seen this movie before. Even though the characters and products change, the basic scenarios and outcomes that make a business successful stay the same. We draw on our vast experience to guide each new project with confidence.
We know what works, and we apply these proven methods to help our clients achieve their goals. This consistency is what makes us reliable, ensuring that no matter the specifics, our Clients can always expect excellent results.

Silverdale Implementation Method

Phase 1 / Discover

Discovery through our Business Simulator

Our Discovery phase aims to identify and bridge any gaps between your current processes and the standard processes in our Business Process Library.

Each week, we systematically narrow down these gaps by running your real-world scenarios in Odoo using various flows. This iterative process continues until we ensure your business can operate seamlessly in Odoo.

At the end of Phase 1, we will plan your Phase 2 - Design.

During the End-to-End Review, we’re on-site with you
Your entire team will be engaged in this process, so we can make sure all your needs are met. That’s why we’ll be there - like really there, in flesh and bones - to give your project the good start you deserve.
Our Business Process Library contains over 500 processes that work in Odoo - there's no need for you to spend weeks mapping your existing processes - we've done the hard work for you.

Phase 2 / Design

Better by Design

Our Design phase gets us deeper into your business with a functioning version of Odoo with your products and newly identified processes.

We work with your super-users to test, re-work, test, document, and prepare you for your new processes and systems. Your super-users become the experts and are fully supported by our team.

We also install any hardware you may need to ensure everything is ready for the next phase.

At the end of Phase 2, we begin Phase 3 - Deliver.

During the Design phase, we focus on preparing your super-users
We are big believers in building systems and processes that your team can support and train to become self-sufficient.
We provide your super-suers with everything they need to be successful and are there to support them. All of the training material is created and made available to you for this project and beyond.

Phase 3 / Deliver

Delivered with Style

In our delivery phase, we set up your system and get everything running smoothly.

We help you migrate your data and ensure everyone is training and ready to go. As we go live, we’re there to support you and your team to address any issues. 

Our aim is to make sure your business operates seamlessly from day one, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Go-live isn't the end
No matter how hard we all prepare, something won't go according to plan. But we are right there with you to ensure you stay on-track.
Ongoing Health Checks are conducted by our team and shared with you to make sure the new processes stick and you get the benefit you were looking for.