2-Min Read Automation & Delegation Running a business efficiently is not about working harder. It is about working smarter . The biggest bottleneck to scaling is not market conditions, competition, or economic downturns, it is how a bu...
1-Min Read Reconcile: Show Only Matching Entries Enhance your accounting workflow with the Reconcile: Show Only Matching Entries module, designed to streamline the reconciliation process by displaying only relevant entries. Key Features: Smart Filte...
1-Min Read Hour Based Duration In Manufacturing In standard Odoo, manufacturing operation durations are shown only in minutes, which can be less intuitive for planning and reporting purposes. The SME Hour Based Duration in Manufacturing feature enh...
1-Min Read Create Shipping Methods From Fleet This feature enhances Odoo’s Fleet Management module by automatically generating a shipping method when a new fleet is created. It ensures seamless integration between fleet management and shipping op...
1-Min Read Purchase - Product Search With Internal Reference This feature revolutionizes the product search dropdown in the Purchase Module by providing more detailed and identifiable product information. The updated format displays the internal reference, vend...
1-Min Read Formula BoM Type The Formula BoM Type module introduces advanced Bill of Materials (BoM) management tailored for industries relying on product formulas, like chemical manufacturing. This enhancement adds new BoM types...
2-Min Read Daily Check In (DCI) The SME Client Daily Check-In feature is designed to monitor daily operational performance for SME clients, enhancing accountability and visibility into key metrics. It integrates multiple views withi...
1-Min Read Passage to Profit Show - Road to Entrepreneurship Our CEO and Founder, Nick Foy , participated in a panel hosted by Richard Gearhart and Elizabeth Gearhart for their Passage to Profit show. The panel featured entrepreneurs from various industries and...
1-Min Read Don't Apply Tax On Discount Lines For Tax Connectors Ensure accurate tax calculations on Sales Orders by preventing taxes from applying to discount lines when using sales coupons. This feature ensures that discount products, which are tax-exempt, remain...
1-Min Read Hide The On Hand Qty Count On Barcode In order to ensure accurate inventory management, it is often necessary to prevent users from seeing the current on-hand stock levels while performing physical inventory counts or making inventory adj...
1-Min Read Remove Out Of Stock Products From Cart Automatically The SME: Auto Clean Cart Products feature improves the shopping cart functionality by automatically removing products that are out of stock. This ensures customers can only proceed with items that are...
1-Min Read Priority Start Of MO On Shop Floor Tiles Managing production efficiency requires clear task prioritization for operators on the Shop Floor . The Priority Star Display for Shop Floor Work Orders in Odoo ensures that high-priority tasks are vi...