Data Presentation: Accurate, Interesting, Insightful, Actionable

What level is your data at?

When presenting data or information, it's imperative to address four pivotal questions to enhance its value and impact:

  1. Is the Data Accurate?
  2. Is the Data Interesting?
  3. Is the Data Insightful?
  4. Is the Data Actionable?

1. Is the Data Accurate?

“Questionable Authenticity”

The integrity of data is non-negotiable. Inaccurate data not only undermines its own credibility but also casts doubt on surrounding data, potentially tarnishing your reputation and that of your organization. Accuracy is the fundamental prerequisite for any data presentation. Exercise caution with data that has undergone extraction and manipulation in Excel before incorporation into PowerPoint presentations, given the notorious unreliability of Excel sheets—with 88% reportedly containing errors. For accuracy, maintain your data in Odoo, utilizing Dashboards, Odoo Spreadsheet, and Pivot Views, but vigilantly verify your filters.

2. Is the Data Interesting?

“Aha, That’s New!"

Frequently, valuable data is concealed within transactions scattered across various locations unless centralized in platforms like Odoo. Many users, however, underutilize Odoo’s dashboard and reporting features for aggregate data viewing. The introduction of comparison features in Odoo 15 enhances reporting flexibility, facilitating month-over-month or year-over-year differential analyses while keeping data within Odoo.

3. Is the Data Insightful?

“The Underlying Connection” 

While interesting data captivates, insightful data illuminates, revealing correlations, causality, and impact. For instance, an analysis might divulge that a marketing campaign garnered more revenue through Google Banner Ads than emails or that a new product launch unexpectedly affected the sales of another product. Insightful data transcends mere graphical representation, offering deep, actionable insights derived from an intimate understanding of the subject matter.

4. Is the Data Actionable?

“Next Steps Identified”

Insights, while valuable, are stepping stones to action, the true catalyst for change. Upon gleaning insights, the immediate question should be, “How can we leverage this knowledge?” Whether the goal is to boost sales, cut costs, or enter new markets, every insight should naturally lead to a strategic action plan.


Effective data not only informs but also inspires action and makes a tangible difference. Take a moment to evaluate your data against these four criteria—is it accurate, interesting, insightful, and actionable? This assessment will not only enhance the quality of your data presentation but also significantly increase its impact and utility for your audience.

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