Silverdale Apps

Silverdale Apps

Contains details of all our Silverdale Apps and features. Our Apps are available exclusively to our Silverdale STAR subscribers.

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Responsible Nick Foy
Last Update 02/04/2025
Members 52

Populate Purchase agreement reference to Vendor bills (F1925) (S24437)

Links vendor bills to blanket orders, ensuring accurate tracking of payments and quantities. Improves financial control by aligning billing with contract terms and remaining quantities.

Shipment Confirmation (F1966) (S24469)

Automates the shipment confirmation process within the sales order workflow, ensuring accurate tracking and customer notification of shipments.

Shipping Method Auto Get Rates (F1967) (S24470)

Automatically retrieve real-time shipping rates based on selected shipping methods, improving accuracy and efficiency in logistics.

Account Common (F1801) (S24471)

Provides additional organizational features in accounting, such as grouping by client