Silverdale Apps

Silverdale Apps

Contains details of all our Silverdale Apps and features. Our Apps are available exclusively to our Silverdale STAR subscribers.

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Responsible Nick Foy
Last Update 02/04/2025
Members 52

Populate Purchase agreement reference to Vendor bills (F1925) (S24437)

Links vendor bills to blanket orders, ensuring accurate tracking of payments and quantities. Improves financial control by aligning billing with contract terms and remaining quantities.

Customer Equipment Return (F1880) (S24407)

The Equipment Delivery Return feature enables businesses to manage the customer return process for equipment delivered to customers, ensuring accurate tracking and handling of returned assets.

Equipment Helpdesk Locations (F1881) (S24408)

The Internal Stock Locations feature allows businesses to manage equipment in internal stock locations, ensuring accurate tracking and inventory management within the company’s warehouses.

Equipment to Asset (F1882) (S24409)

Connects equipment records to assets in the accounting system.

Export Sales Order From Portal (F1884) (S24410)

Enables customers to export their sales and order data directly from the portal in CSV format, improving data transparency and customer service.

Extend Partner Invoice/Delivery Address in SO? (F1885) (S24411)

Repositions invoice and delivery address fields to improve accessibility, reducing errors in assigning the correct addresses for orders.

FedEx on Delivery (F1888) (S24412)

Enable FedEx rate retrieval and selection for delivery orders, allowing businesses to choose FedEx as the delivery method and streamline shipping. Html

Fetch Delivery shipping label (F1889) (S24413)

The Fetch Delivery Shipping Label feature automates the retrieval of shipping labels from integrated carriers, making the shipping process faster and more efficient.

Handle Duplication on Email Market Template (F1892) (S24414)

Event email template duplication in marketing campaigns, improving the efficiency of email marketing operations.

Hide Internal Reference (F1893) (S24415)

The Hide Internal Reference feature allows businesses to hide internal product references from users, simplifying product data visibility and reducing confusion.

Mail Extension (F1902) (S24422)

Enhance Odoo’s email system with extended functionalities to improve email communication and management.

Hold attendee status unconfirmed until payment (F1895) (S24416)

Enhance event management capabilities with advanced features such as custom registration forms and attendee tracking for more efficient event coordination.

Invoice and MO Status (F1896) (S24417)

Displays MRP status within the sales order process, ensuring that the sales team has real-time visibility into production status.