Our Services

We've seen this movie before...
​With over 1,000 projects delivered for Clients all over the world, there are few requests and situations we haven't seen before. This is one of the advantages of using a trusted Odoo Partner.
We never approach a Project as a one-off - we use the thousands of Projects, Help Requests, and Tasks to build a unique library of Business Processes that builds over time - ensuring your Project benefits from those before it.
​Whilst every Client is unique, not every process needs to be.

Starter Implementation

For first-time users of an ERP or those who are migrating to Odoo. Get your Odoo implementation done on a fixed price and timeline.

Keep your codebase clean, consistent, and easy to upgrade. Get rid of buggy customization that’s affecting your workflow.

Are you worried about becoming one of the 75% of ERP implementations that fail to meet their original objectives? Don't become another statistic - our proven Silverdale Implementation Method reduces your risk, cost, and timeline.

With hundreds of implementations under our belt, our methods are tried and true. Our fixed-price and timeline projects include data migration, user training, and support. And because we're incentivized the same as you, you can be sure we're committed to your success.

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Back to Standard   

Keep your codebase clean, consistent, and easy to upgrade. Get rid of buggy customization that’s affecting your workflow.

Making changes to your Odoo code base is inevitable. But as those changes pile up, they can start to cause problems. Your code can become inconsistent, making it difficult or impossible to upgrade, hard to train new users, and expensive to run. 

We'll consolidate or remove custom code, favoring the use of standard Odoo functions. Making it easier to manage, upgrade, and keep costs down. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get back on track. 

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Odoo Rescue

Get your Odoo implementation back on track and finally get a return on your investment.

It's not uncommon for Odoo projects to never go live, and many businesses get lost along the way, not knowing what to do next.

But there's still hope! We can get your project back on track.

We've completed projects from other Odoo partners and Odoo themselves, so we know what it takes to get the job done right. We're committed to completing your project on time and within budget. So don't give up on your Odoo project - let us help you rescue it!

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Change management and Odoo experts help you navigate your new processes and offer support for user adoption in real-time.

Looking for a little help using Odoo? We got you!

We offer live chat, virtual screen sharing, email support, and access to best practice process maps and training resources. All these services are available at your fingertips, from within your own Odoo. 

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Version Upgrade

Take advantage of the latest Odoo version while we take care of your migration (and migraines).

If you're still using an older version of Odoo, you're missing out on many speed, efficiency, and security improvements. Newer versions also have access to better features that can make a big difference in how your business runs. 

With Odoo releasing a major version every year, it's easy to fall behind. Our proven upgrade methods take the pain out of upgrading, allowing you to take full advantage of the latest features.

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Odoo Cloud to Odoo.sh  

We’ll move you from Cloud (SaaS model) to Odoo.sh (PaaS model) on a fixed price and timeline.

Odoo.sh allows you to customize your Odoo to meet your specific needs. It also provides staging and training environments so you can code and test away from live users, meaning you can make changes to Odoo without disrupting your business. 

And because odoo.sh is built on the same foundation as Odoo, you can take advantage of all the same features, including increased speed and storage. Our migration processes provide a safe, scalable way to get onto Odoo.sh for a fixed price and timeline.

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Operations Outsource  

There are always a million things to do and not enough hours in the day to get them all done. That's where we come in. 

We’ll take care of all those tedious transactions that don't drive your business forward. We can handle all your Odoo transactions such as vendor bills, bank reconciliations, data analysis, contact management, and data management.

And because we know Odoo, we do it all for a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house staff. Are you ready to free yourself up to work on the things that really matter?

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Silverdale Module Extensions  

SMEs are plug & play Odoo extensions without the cost and risk of 3rd parties.

Whenever we see our clients asking for the same features, we develop a Silverdale Module Extension. You shouldn’t pay for customization when there can be an off-the-shelf, supported solution for it. We don’t want to do the same work many times over, our time is better spent actually helping your business. It’s a win-win. 

They remove the cost of expensive customization and replace poorly developed third party modules. With monthly updates and rigorous testing and support, it’s a risk-free way to extend the functionality of standard Odoo.

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