Timesheets on CRM (F2620)

Log time spent on CRM opportunities and leads directly in the CRM, providing better visibility into resource allocation and team productivity

Tracking time spent on client interactions and sales activities is critical for understanding resource allocation and optimizing team performance. The Timesheets on CRM feature allows users to log time directly in the CRM, providing better visibility into how much time is being spent on managing opportunities, leads, and customer relationships. This feature helps businesses monitor the effectiveness of their sales processes and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.

For businesses that need to track time for billing purposes or performance evaluations, this feature provides a valuable tool for measuring and improving productivity within the sales team.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Enables users to log time directly in the CRM, tracking time spent on opportunities and leads.
  • Provides better visibility into resource allocation and team productivity.
  • Helps businesses monitor the time invested in managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Supports performance evaluations by providing detailed time tracking data.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Odoo’s CRM and Timesheet modules for a comprehensive solution.

This feature is particularly useful for service-based businesses that need to track billable hours or assess the efficiency of their sales teams.

Example Use Case:

A consulting firm that tracks billable hours for client projects can use the Timesheets on CRM feature to log time spent on client meetings, proposals, and follow-ups directly within the CRM. This ensures that all time spent on sales activities is accounted for, making it easier to evaluate team performance and optimize resource allocation. The firm can also use this data for billing purposes, ensuring that every minute spent on client interactions is recorded and billed accurately.

In conclusion

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