SME Workorders group by SO (F2033)

The SME Add SO on WorkOrder Kanban View feature adds sales order (SO) information to the work order Kanban view, improving visibility and alignment between sales and production.

Aligning production with customer orders is essential for timely order fulfillment. The SME Add SO on WorkOrder Kanban View feature in Odoo adds sales order information to the work order Kanban view, giving production teams greater visibility into which orders are tied to specific work orders. This feature helps improve coordination between sales and production, ensuring that customer orders are fulfilled efficiently and accurately.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Adds sales order information to the work order Kanban view.
  • Improves visibility into which work orders are tied to customer orders.
  • Enhances coordination between sales and production teams.
  • Helps ensure that customer orders are fulfilled efficiently and on time.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s manufacturing and sales modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that produce custom or made-to-order products, where aligning sales and production is critical for meeting customer expectations.

Example Use Case:

A furniture manufacturer can use the SME Add SO on WorkOrder Kanban View feature to display sales order information directly on the work order Kanban view, helping production teams prioritize tasks based on customer order deadlines.


The SME Add SO on WorkOrder Kanban View feature improves visibility into sales orders for production teams, ensuring that customer orders are fulfilled efficiently and production tasks are prioritized accordingly.

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