SME UPS Shipping Labels on Relevant DO (F2027)

The SME UPS Shipping Labels on Relevant DO feature automatically generates UPS shipping labels on delivery orders, streamlining shipping operations.

For businesses that use UPS as a shipping carrier, automating label creation can significantly reduce time and improve shipping efficiency. The SME UPS Shipping Labels on Relevant DO feature in Odoo automates the generation of UPS shipping labels directly from delivery orders, ensuring that labels are created as soon as a delivery is processed. This feature helps businesses save time, reduce manual work, and ensure that shipments are sent out quickly and accurately.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Automatically generates UPS shipping labels for relevant delivery orders.
  • Improves shipping efficiency by reducing manual label creation.
  • Ensures accurate label generation based on delivery order information.
  • Reduces shipping delays by automating the label creation process.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s delivery and logistics management modules.

This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses that handle a large volume of UPS shipments and want to streamline their shipping process by automating label generation directly from delivery orders.

Example Use Case:

An e-commerce business can use the SME UPS Shipping Labels on Relevant DO feature to automatically generate UPS shipping labels for each order, ensuring that shipments are processed quickly and accurately.


The SME UPS Shipping Labels on Relevant DO feature helps businesses improve shipping efficiency by automating the creation of UPS shipping labels directly from delivery orders, reducing manual work and ensuring timely deliveries.

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