SME Stock Location Barcode (F2022)

The SME Stock Location Barcode feature allows businesses to assign and scan barcodes for stock locations, improving warehouse organization and operational efficiency.
September 11, 2024 by
SME Stock Location Barcode (F2022)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Managing inventory efficiently requires precise tracking of stock locations, and barcodes provide a powerful tool for this. The SME Stock Location Barcode feature in Odoo allows businesses to assign barcodes to stock locations and use barcode scanning for quicker inventory management. This feature helps improve warehouse organization, speeds up stock transfers, and reduces the risk of human errors in warehouse operations.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Allows businesses to assign barcodes to stock locations for easier tracking.
  • Improves warehouse efficiency by enabling barcode scanning for stock movements.
  • Reduces errors in inventory management by using barcode technology.
  • Speeds up stock transfers and inventory adjustments.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s inventory and warehouse management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for large warehouses or businesses managing a high volume of stock. By using barcodes for stock locations, businesses can streamline their inventory processes and minimize errors in stock management.

Example Use Case:

A distribution center can use the SME Stock Location Barcode feature to assign barcodes to all stock locations, allowing workers to scan items as they move through the warehouse, reducing time spent on manual data entry.


The SME Stock Location Barcode feature helps businesses improve warehouse efficiency by assigning barcodes to stock locations, enabling faster and more accurate inventory management.

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