SME Check Availability on MO List View (F1992)

The SME MRP Check Availability feature adds the ability to check material availability directly from the tree view, ensuring that production can proceed without delays.

Ensuring that all required materials are available before starting production is crucial for avoiding delays. The SME MRP Check Availability feature in Odoo adds the ability to check the availability of materials directly from the tree view, providing quick access to inventory data. This feature helps businesses streamline production planning, ensuring that materials are available when needed and reducing the risk of production stoppages.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Adds a material availability check to the tree view for quick access.
  • Helps businesses ensure that all required materials are available before starting production.
  • Reduces the risk of production delays caused by material shortages.
  • Improves production planning and resource management.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s manufacturing and inventory management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to check material availability frequently and want to streamline their production planning processes.

Example Use Case:

A furniture manufacturer can use the SME MRP Check Availability feature to quickly check if all required materials for a production order are available, ensuring that production can start without delay.


The SME MRP Check Availability feature helps businesses ensure that materials are available for production by adding a quick availability check to the tree view, improving production planning and reducing delays.

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