SME Cart Price Update (F2756)

Automatically update cart prices based on changes in product prices, discounts, or promotions, ensuring accurate pricing during checkout.
September 11, 2024 by
SME Cart Price Update (F2756)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Pricing adjustments, discounts, and promotions are a regular part of e-commerce operations, and ensuring that the shopping cart reflects these changes in real-time is crucial for accurate transactions. The SME Cart Price Update feature automatically updates the cart total whenever product prices, discounts, or promotions are applied, ensuring that customers always see the most accurate pricing before completing their purchase.

This feature improves the customer experience by ensuring that the cart price is always up to date, reducing the risk of pricing errors and cart abandonment due to unexpected price changes during checkout.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Automatically updates cart prices based on changes in product prices, discounts, or promotions.
  • Ensures that customers always see accurate pricing in the shopping cart during checkout.
  • Reduces the risk of pricing discrepancies, improving the overall customer experience.
  • Helps businesses manage dynamic pricing strategies, such as flash sales or limited-time discounts.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s e-commerce system for seamless price updates.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that frequently adjust prices due to promotions, seasonal sales, or changes in product costs, ensuring that cart totals are always accurate and up to date.

Example Use Case:

An online electronics store can use the SME Cart Price Update feature to automatically update cart totals when product discounts or promotions are applied during a flash sale. This ensures that customers see the correct discounted prices in real time, reducing confusion and improving the checkout experience.

In summary, the SME Cart Price Update feature helps businesses maintain accurate pricing in the shopping cart by automatically updating totals based on changes in product prices, promotions, or discounts, ensuring a smooth and transparent checkout process.

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