SME Add Sales Person as Follower on Transfer (F1987)

The SME Add Sale Person as Follower on Transfer feature automatically adds the salesperson as a follower on stock transfers, keeping them informed of order progress.

For businesses managing customer orders and stock transfers, it’s important to keep salespeople informed of order progress. The SME Add Sale Person as Follower on Transfer feature in Odoo automatically adds the responsible salesperson as a follower on stock transfers, ensuring they are notified of any changes or updates. This feature helps improve communication between sales and warehouse teams, ensuring that salespeople are aware of the status of their orders and can keep customers updated.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Automatically adds the responsible salesperson as a follower on stock transfers.
  • Ensures that salespeople are informed of changes or updates to their orders.
  • Improves communication between sales and warehouse teams.
  • Helps salespeople provide accurate order updates to customers.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s sales and inventory management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses with dedicated sales teams who need to stay informed of the progress of their customer orders. By adding salespeople as followers on transfers, businesses can ensure that they are kept in the loop without requiring manual updates.

Example Use Case:

An e-commerce business can use the SME Add Sale Person as Follower on Transfer feature to automatically notify sales staff when stock transfers related to their orders are processed, ensuring they can provide accurate updates to customers.


The SME Add Sale Person as Follower on Transfer feature helps businesses keep salespeople informed of order progress by automatically adding them as followers on stock transfers, improving communication and customer service.

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