Show On-Hand Stock on Sales Order (Not Forecast) feature refines stock availability calculations for Sales Orders by restricting availability to actual on-hand quantities. This enhancement prevents stock commitments based on forecasted stock and ensures accurate inventory management.
Key Functionalities:
- On-Hand Stock Availability:
- The system will only consider products as "available" for SOs if the on-hand stock is greater than zero and is not already reserved.
- Forecasted quantities, such as those from confirmed POs, will no longer influence availability calculations.
- Prevention of Negative Stock Values:
- Restricts the system from allowing negative available quantities caused by reservations based on forecasted stock.
- Ensures that product availability reflects real-time, accurate stock levels.
- Streamlined SO Workflow:
- Improves order processing reliability by ensuring stock commitments align with actual inventory.
- Prevents discrepancies and over-promising to customers.
Key Benefits:
- Accurate Stock Management: Reflects true stock levels, avoiding reliance on forecasted inventory.
- Prevent Over-Commitments: Ensures customer orders are fulfilled without delays caused by unavailable stock.
- Improved Reporting: Maintains accurate inventory records for better decision-making.
- Eliminates Negative Stock Issues: Avoids the complications of negative stock values in availability calculations.
Example Use Case:
A sales representative creating an SO for King Wholesale (e.g., SO: S17437) observes the accurate availability of products based solely on on-hand stock. If no stock is physically present in the warehouse, the product will be marked as unavailable, ensuring no false commitments based on forecasted POs.
Show On-Hand Stock On Sales Order (Not Forecast)