Show Customer Reference on Delivery Order (F1971)

The Show Customer Reference on Delivery feature displays the customer's reference on delivery orders, helping businesses track and manage customer orders more easily.

Managing customer orders efficiently often requires quick access to key customer details. The Show Customer Reference on Delivery feature in Odoo displays the customer's reference number directly on delivery orders, making it easier for businesses to track and manage deliveries associated with customer orders. This feature improves transparency and communication between sales and logistics teams by ensuring that customer references are visible at all stages of the delivery process.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Displays the customer's reference number on delivery orders.
  • Improves order tracking by ensuring that customer references are visible during deliveries.
  • Enhances communication between sales and logistics teams by providing clear customer order information.
  • Helps businesses manage customer orders more effectively by linking references to deliveries.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s sales and delivery management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that handle large volumes of customer orders, allowing them to track deliveries more efficiently and ensuring that all customer-related information is accessible.

Example Use Case:

An online retailer can use the Show Customer Reference on Delivery feature to display customer reference numbers on delivery orders, making it easier for the logistics team to match deliveries with specific customer orders.


The Show Customer Reference on Delivery feature improves order tracking and communication by displaying customer references on delivery orders, ensuring that customer orders are managed effectively throughout the delivery process.

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