Show Custom Description on Workorder (F2603)

The Show Custom Description on Workorder feature allows businesses to add and display custom descriptions for work orders, improving communication and clarity during production.
September 11, 2024 by
Show Custom Description on Workorder (F2603)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Clear communication is key to successful production management. The Show Custom Description on Workorder feature in Odoo allows businesses to add custom descriptions to work orders, providing detailed instructions or notes for each work order. This feature helps improve communication between the production team and other departments, ensuring that specific requirements are met and reducing the risk of errors during production.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Allows businesses to add and display custom descriptions on work orders.
  • Improves communication by providing detailed instructions or notes for each work order.
  • Helps ensure that specific production requirements are met.
  • Reduces the risk of errors during the production process.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s manufacturing and work order management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that handle custom manufacturing or have specific production instructions that need to be communicated clearly to the production team.

Example Use Case:

A custom electronics manufacturer can use the Show Custom Description on Workorder feature to add specific assembly instructions for each work order, ensuring that all requirements are clearly communicated to the production team.


The Show Custom Description on Workorder feature helps businesses improve communication and clarity during production by allowing custom descriptions to be added to work orders, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that specific requirements are met.

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