Shipping on Delivery order (F1968)

The Shipping on Delivery Order feature allows businesses to manage shipping directly from delivery orders, streamlining logistics and reducing errors in shipment processing.

Managing shipments efficiently is a crucial part of fulfilling customer orders. The Shipping on Delivery Order feature in Odoo allows businesses to handle shipping tasks directly from the delivery order interface, eliminating the need for separate shipment processing systems. This feature streamlines the logistics workflow, ensuring that businesses can generate shipping labels and manage carrier interactions directly from the Odoo system.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Enables businesses to manage shipping tasks directly from delivery orders.
  • Automatically generates shipping labels based on delivery information.
  • Streamlines the shipping process by integrating it with Odoo’s inventory and delivery modules.
  • Reduces the risk of errors in shipment processing by centralizing operations.
  • Supports multiple shipping carriers for flexibility in logistics management.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses handling a large volume of shipments, as it reduces the complexity of managing deliveries. By integrating shipping functionality directly into the delivery order process, businesses can ensure that products are shipped efficiently and accurately.

Example Use Case:

An e-commerce retailer can use the Shipping on Delivery Order feature to generate shipping labels as soon as a delivery order is confirmed. This helps streamline the shipping process, ensuring that orders are shipped quickly and accurately to customers.


The Shipping on Delivery Order feature simplifies the shipping process by allowing businesses to manage shipments directly from delivery orders. This reduces errors, improves logistics efficiency, and ensures timely delivery to customers.

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