The SME Hide Menu and Reports feature provides businesses with advanced tools to streamline user interfaces and enhance security by controlling the visibility of menus, sub-menus, reports, buttons, and fields for specific users or user groups. This feature ensures that users only see the options relevant to their roles, reducing distractions and potential errors, while still allowing access to hidden items via direct URLs if permissions are granted.
Key Features:
Menu and Sub-Menu Visibility Control:
- Hide specific menus and sub-menus for designated users or groups.
- Ensure a clean and relevant interface for users, while maintaining access through direct links if needed.
Report Visibility Restrictions:
- Hide specific reports from menus or actions for certain users.
- Users with appropriate permissions can still access reports through custom actions or direct triggers.
Field-Level Control:
- Configure visibility for individual fields to hide sensitive or irrelevant data from specific users or groups.
- Set fields to readonly for certain users to prevent unintended modifications.
Button and Action Restrictions:
- Hide specific buttons, such as "Print" or "Validate," for targeted user groups.
- Ensure that only authorized users can trigger certain actions.
Easy Configuration Interface:
- Manage visibility settings directly from the User Form View, Menu Form View, and Model Form View.
- No reliance on roles; configurations are based on user or group-specific settings.
Maintain Accessibility:
- Even if menus, reports, or fields are hidden, authorized users retain access via direct URLs or specific permissions.
Example Use Case:
A company wants to simplify the interface for their sales team by hiding technical menus and advanced reporting options while ensuring these are accessible to managers. Using the SME Hide Menu and Reports feature, the administrator hides the advanced menus from sales team members but retains their accessibility for managers via a direct URL. This reduces confusion for the sales team while keeping critical options available to those who need them.
Hide Specific Menu, Report Or Field