Fixed Duration on E-Commerce Subscriptions? (F1890)

The Fixed Duration on E-Commerce Subscriptions feature allows businesses to set fixed durations for subscriptions sold through their e-commerce platform, ensuring predictable renewal cycles.

Managing the length of subscriptions sold through an e-commerce platform can help businesses offer predictable and easy-to-manage renewal cycles. The Fixed Duration on E-Commerce Subscriptions feature in Odoo allows businesses to set fixed subscription durations for products sold online, ensuring that customers understand the renewal terms and timelines. This feature simplifies subscription management by providing fixed terms for subscriptions purchased through e-commerce.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Allows businesses to set fixed durations for subscriptions sold via e-commerce.
  • Ensures that customers are aware of the subscription term and renewal cycle.
  • Improves subscription management by providing clear and predictable renewal schedules.
  • Helps businesses avoid confusion or discrepancies regarding subscription lengths.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s e-commerce and subscription management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that sell subscription-based products through their e-commerce platform and need to provide fixed subscription durations to customers.

Example Use Case:

An online fitness membership service can use the Fixed Duration on E-Commerce Subscriptions feature to offer 6-month or 12-month subscriptions, providing customers with clear terms and predictable renewal dates.


The Fixed Duration on E-Commerce Subscriptions feature helps businesses manage subscriptions sold via e-commerce by setting fixed terms, improving transparency and subscription management.

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