FedEx on Delivery (F1888)

Enable FedEx rate retrieval and selection for delivery orders, allowing businesses to choose FedEx as the delivery method and streamline shipping. Html

Choosing the right delivery method and obtaining accurate shipping rates are crucial for efficient logistics and customer satisfaction. The FedEx on Delivery feature allows businesses to integrate FedEx shipping directly into their delivery orders, enabling them to retrieve FedEx shipping rates in real-time and select FedEx as the preferred shipping method. This feature streamlines the shipping process by providing accurate rates at the time of delivery order creation, ensuring that the business can offer reliable shipping options to customers while keeping costs transparent and manageable.

By enabling FedEx on delivery orders, businesses can improve shipping accuracy, offer customers real-time shipping rates, and ensure timely delivery with a trusted carrier.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Enables businesses to retrieve real-time FedEx shipping rates when creating delivery orders in Odoo.
  • Allows businesses to select FedEx as the shipping method for delivery orders, streamlining the shipping process.
  • Improves transparency by providing accurate FedEx shipping costs during the delivery order process.
  • Ensures that businesses can offer reliable and cost-effective shipping options to customers.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s inventory and logistics systems, ensuring seamless shipping management and rate retrieval.

This feature is especially valuable for businesses that rely on FedEx for shipping and want to provide customers with the most up-to-date shipping rates and options during the order fulfillment process.

Example Use Case:

An online retail c

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