Disable kanban Drag & Drop on Product (F1855)

The Disable Kanban Drag & Drop on Product feature allows businesses to disable the drag-and-drop functionality for products in the Kanban view, preventing accidental reordering.
September 11, 2024 by
Disable kanban Drag & Drop on Product (F1855)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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For businesses managing products in a Kanban view, accidental reordering of product items can lead to confusion and errors. The Disable Kanban Drag & Drop on Product feature in Odoo allows businesses to disable the drag-and-drop functionality for products, preventing unintentional reordering. This feature ensures that products stay in the correct order and are only moved or adjusted when necessary, improving data consistency and minimizing user errors.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Disables the drag-and-drop functionality for products in the Kanban view.
  • Prevents accidental reordering of products, improving data consistency.
  • Reduces the risk of user errors in the Kanban view.
  • Ensures that products are only adjusted when necessary, enhancing control over product management.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s product and inventory management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses managing a large number of products in Kanban view, where accidental reordering could disrupt workflows. By disabling the drag-and-drop functionality, businesses can ensure that products remain in their intended order.

Example Use Case:

A retail business can use the Disable Kanban Drag & Drop on Product feature to prevent sales team members from accidentally reordering products in the Kanban view, ensuring that the product list remains organized and accurate.


The Disable Kanban Drag & Drop on Product feature helps businesses prevent accidental reordering in the Kanban view, reducing user errors and improving product management efficiency.

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