Delivery Order Count W.R.T Sale order lines (F1850)

The Delivery Order Count W.R.T. Sale Order Lines feature tracks the number of delivery orders generated against specific sale order lines, ensuring accurate fulfillment and inventory management.

For businesses that need to closely track deliveries relative to their sale order lines, the Delivery Order Count W.R.T. Sale Order Lines feature in Odoo provides a solution. This feature allows businesses to monitor how many delivery orders have been generated against each sale order line, ensuring that all items are shipped accurately and that there are no missed or partial deliveries. It helps improve fulfillment accuracy and ensures that sale orders are fully accounted for in delivery tracking.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Tracks delivery orders generated against each sale order line.
  • Ensures accurate fulfillment by monitoring the number of deliveries per sale order.
  • Prevents partial or missed deliveries by ensuring all sale order lines are fulfilled.
  • Helps businesses maintain accurate inventory and fulfillment records.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s sales and inventory management modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses handling large or complex sales orders with multiple line items, ensuring that deliveries are tracked accurately and that no items are missed.

Example Use Case:

A wholesaler can use the Delivery Order Count W.R.T. Sale Order Lines feature to track multiple deliveries made against a single sale order, ensuring that all line items are shipped and accounted for.


The Delivery Order Count W.R.T. Sale Order Lines feature improves delivery tracking by ensuring that sale order lines are fully fulfilled and all deliveries are accurately recorded.

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