Default CC option on mail composer (F1849)

Automatically add default CC recipients to emails composed in Odoo, ensuring key stakeholders are always included in email communication.
September 11, 2024 by
Default CC option on mail composer (F1849)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Effective email communication often requires multiple stakeholders to be kept in the loop. The Default CC Option on Mail Composer feature allows businesses to configure default CC (carbon copy) recipients for emails composed within Odoo. This ensures that specific individuals or teams are automatically included in the CC field whenever an email is drafted, eliminating the need for manual entry and reducing the risk of missing key recipients. By automating this process, businesses can improve communication efficiency and ensure that all relevant parties are always informed.

By enabling a default CC option in the mail composer, businesses can streamline their email workflows, improve internal communication, and ensure that important updates reach the right people every time.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Automatically adds default CC recipients to emails composed in Odoo’s mail composer.
  • Ensures that key stakeholders or teams are consistently included in email communications.
  • Reduces manual effort and prevents the risk of missing important recipients in the CC field.
  • Improves communication efficiency by automating the inclusion of relevant recipients.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s email and communication systems, ensuring seamless use across all modules.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to include managers, departments, or external partners in routine communications, ensuring transparency and better coordination among teams.

Example Use Case:

A project management team can use the Default CC Option on Mail Composer feature to automatically include the project lead and finance department on all emails related to project invoices. This ensures that all key stakeholders are informed of updates or discussions about project billing without requiring manual CC entry, improving coordination and reducing communication errors.

In summary, the Default CC Option on Mail Composer feature improves communication workflows by automatically adding default CC recipients to emails, ensuring that key stakeholders are always included in important communications.

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