Calculate Volume on Product (F1831)

The Calculate Volume on Products feature automatically calculates the volume of products based on their dimensions, helping businesses optimize storage space and reduce shipping costs.
September 11, 2024 by
Calculate Volume on Product (F1831)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Understanding the volume of products is critical for optimizing warehouse storage and reducing shipping costs. The Calculate Volume on Products feature in Odoo automatically calculates the volume of products based on their dimensions, giving businesses accurate information about the space each product occupies. This helps businesses make better decisions about how to store products, how much space is needed, and how to minimize shipping costs.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Automatically calculates product volume based on product dimensions.
  • Helps businesses optimize warehouse storage by providing accurate volume data.
  • Improves shipping efficiency by helping businesses choose the right packaging based on product volume.
  • Reduces shipping costs by ensuring that packages are optimized for space and weight.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s inventory and logistics modules.

This feature is especially useful for businesses that ship large or bulky items, as it helps them understand how much space each product occupies and how to package items efficiently. By calculating product volume automatically, businesses can optimize their warehouse operations and reduce shipping costs.

Example Use Case:

A furniture retailer can use the Calculate Volume on Products feature to determine the volume of each piece of furniture. This helps the warehouse team store products more efficiently and choose the right packaging for shipping, reducing overall logistics costs.


The Calculate Volume on Products feature helps businesses optimize storage space and reduce shipping costs by automatically calculating product volume, improving overall logistics efficiency.

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