Add Outstanding Credits Website / Portal (F1806)

Display outstanding customer credits on the website or customer portal, allowing customers to apply credits toward purchases.
September 11, 2024 by
Add Outstanding Credits Website / Portal (F1806)
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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Providing visibility into outstanding credits can help customers better manage their account balance and encourage additional purchases. The Add Outstanding Credits Website / Portal feature allows businesses to display outstanding customer credits directly on their website or customer portal, giving customers the ability to view and apply credits toward future purchases.

This feature enhances customer experience by making it easy to track and use credits, increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases and improving customer satisfaction.

Functionality at a glance:

  • Displays outstanding customer credits on the website or customer portal.
  • Allows customers to view and apply credits toward their purchases.
  • Encourages repeat purchases by making credits more visible and easier to use.
  • Improves transparency by providing customers with a clear view of their available credits.
  • Fully integrates with Odoo’s customer portal and e-commerce system for a smooth experience.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that offer customer credits as part of loyalty programs, refunds, or store credit systems, helping to incentivize repeat purchases.

Example Use Case:

A retail clothing store that offers store credit for returns can use the Add Outstanding Credits Website / Portal feature to display customer credits in their portal. Customers can easily apply these credits to future purchases, increasing the likelihood of repeat transactions and improving the overall customer experience.

In summary, the Add Outstanding Credits Website / Portal feature enhances customer satisfaction by providing visibility into outstanding credits and encouraging their use for future purchases.

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