Is Your Odoo System Over-Complicated? Here’s Why Going Back to Standard Could Be the Game-Changer You Need

Reclaiming Simplicity and Efficiency in Your Odoo System

In today’s fast-paced business world, customization can seem like the magic bullet for solving complex challenges. It’s tempting to believe that tailoring every aspect of your Odoo system to match 100% of your business processes will lead to the perfect solution. But in reality, excessive customization often leads to inefficiency, complications, and even project failures.

At Silverdale, we’ve seen it time and again: companies that over-customize their Odoo system eventually struggle to maintain it. That’s why we’ve developed the Back to Standard Service, a streamlined approach to help businesses return to the power of Standard Odoo and Silverdale apps, without the bloat and burden of unnecessary customizations.

Why Customization Is A Double-Edged Sword?

Customizations are often viewed as essential for adapting Odoo to your unique business needs. While there are cases where customization is required, it’s important to recognize the risks involved:

  1. Increased Complexity: Customizations can make your system more difficult to manage and maintain. Over time, your team may struggle to keep up with the ever-growing complexity.
  2. Higher Costs: Custom development requires ongoing maintenance and updates, especially when new Odoo versions are released. This can lead to escalating costs over time.
  3. System Instability: Extensive customizations often introduce bugs, performance issues, and unexpected failures—resulting in downtime and reduced productivity.
  4. Diluted Focus: The more you try to fit 100% of your business into your ERP, the more likely you are to lose focus on 95% of your processes that are critical to your success.

At Silverdale, we believe there’s a better way to get the most out of Odoo—without the pitfalls of excessive customization.

What is Silverdale’s Back to Standard Service?

Our Back to Standard Service is designed to help businesses transition back to Standard Odoo with the help of Silverdale apps, reducing the reliance on customizations and restoring simplicity, efficiency, and scalability. Whether your business is struggling with over-complicated processes or you’re simply looking to streamline operations, our Back to Standard Service is a game-changer.

The Key Benefits of Going Back to Standard

  1. Improved Stability and Performance: By minimizing customizations, your Odoo system becomes more stable and predictable. Standard Odoo is designed to be robust and reliable, handling the vast majority of business processes right out of the box. This means fewer bugs, smoother updates, and less downtime.
  2. Lower Costs: Custom development requires significant resources, not just for implementation but for ongoing support and maintenance. Returning to Standard Odoo allows you to reduce costs by eliminating the need for constant custom updates and fixes.
  3. Simplified Maintenance: When your system is closer to standard, your team can more easily manage and maintain it. You’ll also benefit from seamless upgrades as Odoo releases new versions, without the headache of reconfiguring custom code.
  4. Focus on What Matters: At Silverdale, we always emphasize focusing on the core processes that drive your business forward. Trying to force every little nuance of your business into your ERP often leads to inefficiencies. By going back to standard, you can focus on the 95% of your business that matters, rather than getting bogged down in unnecessary customization.

How the Back to Standard Service Works

We begin by performing an in-depth audit of your current Odoo system. This allows us to assess where customizations are hindering performance and identify areas that can be returned to standard. Once the audit is complete, we develop a tailored plan to streamline your processes and transition back to Standard Odoo and Silverdale apps. Our goal is to ensure that you retain the functionality you need while eliminating unnecessary complexity.

Our team of Odoo experts will work with you to remove customizations, optimize your system, and configure Standard Odoo to meet your business needs. We ensure that every change is carefully tested and validated to maintain business continuity. After implementation, we don’t just walk away. We provide ongoing support to ensure your team is fully trained and comfortable with the optimized system. We’re here to help you maintain a streamlined and efficient Odoo environment for the long term.

Is Back to Standard Right for Your Business?

If your Odoo system has become overly complex, difficult to manage, or costly to maintain, the Back to Standard Service may be exactly what you need. By returning to Standard Odoo, you can simplify your operations, improve performance, and refocus on what truly drives your business forward.

In this video, Our CEO Nick Foy highlights the significance of our Back to Standard service. 

At Silverdale, we understand that not every business needs an over-customized ERP system. Many businesses thrive with Standard Odoo, complemented by powerful Silverdale apps. Our Back to Standard Service is designed to help you regain control of your system, reduce complexity, and improve efficiency.

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