
Business advice from Homer Simpson
April 13, 2020 by
Silverdale Technology, Nick Foy
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When told that the Chinese have the same word for Crisis and Opportunity, Homer Simpson exclaims "You're right, Crisitunity".


We know better than to listen to the wisdom of this particular Homer, but there is something to be said about finding opportunity at a time of crisis - and we know that right now is definitely a crisis.


There are clearly going to be sectors and business that do well during the pandemic - face mask manufacturers, hand sanitizer firms etc., but what about your company?


Many companies simply can't provide services right now - and we're no exception.  So how do we do something that creates opportunity for us at this time?


Well, like many businesses, during normal business periods we simply don't have time for a lot things we know are important but never quite make it onto the Urgent and Important list.  So here's a list of things your company can be getting on with:


  • Implementing Office 365 (properly)

  • Sorting out our files and folder structures so we can find stuff

  • Carrying out staff training

  • Creating marketing materials

  • Writing blog posts (like this one!)

  • Conducting staff reviews and feedback sessions

  • Updating our implementation guides

Of course, there's always the ERP implementation project.  For most companies, implementing a new ERP system is pretty disruptive and high-risk - finding the appropriate downtime and getting access to people's diaries for training and process design is always a challenge.  Well, as bizarre as it may sound, now might be a great time to get started.


We don't exactly know what our business challenges will look like in 3-months time, but I'll bet most of our legacy issues will still be there - supply chain visibility, getting a single view of the customer, process automation and making the most of your data - so take the time now to get ahead of them.


Why not contact us to find out more.

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